When is Skate 4's release date? We've already seen a lot of early footage of Skate 4, but EA's upcoming Skate revival could be due to the triple-A studio's very early development of the game. This is a rare case where the footage is made public. We've seen a lot of Skate 4, and it's also clear that it's not ready yet. It's already been over a decade since my last skating match, so I can hold out a little longer.
The original Skate was one of the most innovative skateboarding games ever made, from its analog control scheme and semi-open-world game structure to its more realistic and less edgy representation of the skate scene. Skate 3's development team disbanded after his 2010 release, and ever since, the series' community has continued to bombard his EA message boards with questions about the series and its possible return. The team is currently very open about his Skate 4 development process, so here's what we know so far.
Skate 4 release date prediction
The developer has not yet confirmed the release date for Skate 4, but we believe the game will launch between the third and fourth quarters of 2024. Skate 4 is scheduled to launch on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. |S.
Playtesting has been ongoing since early 2022, and you can find out how to sign up for yourself below, but there's still plenty to do based on the latest footage from the December 2023 Insider Playtest Highlights video. Playtesting is only available on: So far it's on PC, but playtesting on consoles is expected to begin sometime in 2024.
There was also another video released the same month in December 2023 where the developer answered some questions, including one regarding the game's strange art style. The developers reassured fans that while visuals are last on their priority list, they are focused on gameplay first. In addition to this, the skaters, their boards, and their pathological movements are well underway, but the world around them is only beginning to take shape.
skate 4 gameplay
Playtest users have signed NDAs that prohibit them from sharing their gameplay, but plenty of skating footage can be found online. However, this gameplay includes incomplete character models, animations, and environments, so it is not a finished product.
Skate 4 is going to be pretty familiar in terms of the types of tricks you can do and how you can do them. You'll see grabs, grinds, flips, and rotations. The way the character models transition between them all feels relatively smooth and very familiar.
There's also a lot of offboard traversal. Players can also be seen running around, jumping, climbing ladders, and using his rails to grind like a balance beam. Expect Hall of Meat to return, as the physics engine allows for some heavy rag dolls. There also appears to be multiplayer, but the lobby size has been expanded. His one scene above shows his nine players. If you're looking for a glimpse of what the final product will look like, there are some more polished sections in the trailer below.
Beyond what you can tell from the footage, we also know that Skate 4 will focus more on community-generated content. Skate has always had powerful level editing tools, but the new Skate game has a cooperative construction area where co-op players can work together to build different things together before attempting to skate. You can start throwing.
Skate 4 or Skate?
Technically, it's not even called Skate 4, it's Skate. But honestly, everyone sees this as Skate 4, so that's what I'm going with until skating becomes popular again.
Skate 4 settings
Throughout the series we've visited some of skateboarding's biggest cities, but Skate 4 takes you to a completely new location: St. Vansterdam. Yes, that's a very obvious reference. After all, Parry calls this city the sister city of San Vanelona, ​​the setting of his first two games. A previous episode of Boardroom confirmed that there will be an ongoing storyline for players and the city of St. Vansterdam through Skate 4. But as you probably guessed, they're not ready to talk about it yet.
Thanks to Episode 4 of The Board Room, we got to see more of St. Vansterdam than ever before, even though it's still a young filming location. All of the footage seen in the episode was shot inside the current St. Vansterdam building.
What we now know is that there is a new level of verticality in Saint-Vinsterdam. Skaters can “jump” over walls to reach higher levels, and with so many worlds to explore, you might even find the secret gem before anyone else.
skating 4 activities
Skate activities are always evolving, changing and offering new explorations. They are based on reality in Skate 4, so they can be out of the ordinary. Activities are designed to support the community and allow players of all skill levels to participate.
Some of the activities we're currently working on and testing are challenges that will be familiar to any player who's ever ventured into a skating game. Challenges are short solo experiences that rotate in and out of the game with minor changes.
Pop-ups are dynamic events held around the city that bring people together, but they aren't “very long or very intense.” As an example, he as a group has a requirement to score 50,000, with the aim of attracting players to his one area of ​​the game. At Throwdown, people can gather at any time to show off tricks and show off. This allows players to place activities wherever they find a cool space for some light, competitive fun.
Community events are the last type of activity we're currently working on and allow for some “pretty crazy” things to happen. The developers want players to think of these as carnival games. It's all about bright and fun events.
Skate 4 Insider Playtest
You can sign up for the Skate Insider playtest from EA's website. There is no guarantee that you will be able to participate in the playtest as a skater, but it appears that the game is only playable on his PC at this time. All his Skate associates must sign her NDA confirming that they will not share any playtest videos, captures, or screenshots. EA releases bi-monthly videos showcasing several community-designed parks and their skate lines.
Is Skate 4 free to play?
Yes, Skate 4 is a free-to-play game and requires live service to launch. As you might expect, the free-to-play model means there will be microtransactions. Developer Full Circle says there are no gameplay-altering items that can be purchased, or loot boxes for that matter. This leaves cosmetics on the table as the main thing players can spend money on.
Is Skate 4 coming to PC?
Yes, the official Skate Twitter account will be launched in August 2021. Confirmed A new game is coming to PC. Cross-play and cross-progression have also been confirmed, and there's a lot of good news. We also got confirmation from a comment video from December 2023 that Skate is set to launch on Steam.
That's all you need to know about Skate 4's release date. If you're looking for a thrilling experience, check out our list of the best sports games and find something extreme. If you're short on cash, we also have a list of great free PC games like Skate 4.