Durham students raise more than 11,000 pounds of food during annual 'Crum-a-Cruiser' food drive | inDurham
Thanks to students, faculty and families from schools across Durham Region, many families in need will be able to put food on the table.
Durham Regional Police announced late Friday afternoon (May 25) that their annual “Crum-A-Cruiser Food Drive” collected a total of 11,400 pounds of food to “meet the need in Durham.” (FTND)
The shipment will provide food to 9,500 households.
“Every summer, thousands of students go hungry because they don't have access to school-based meal programs,” FTND said on Facebook. “Help us close this gap and ensure every student in Durham has a #HungryFreeSummer!”
Interested schools had until April 25, 2024 to register for the food drive and were then provided with special donation boxes to place food donated by the community.
Durham Police sent patrol vehicles to collect food boxes from schools on Thursday (May 23) and deliver them to the FTND warehouse, where the food was weighed.
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