Priyanka Chopra has taken to Instagram to share some priceless moments with her daughter. Recently, she travelled to Australia with her daughter Malti and documented the journey. She also shared a preview of her upcoming film, The Bluff, which will be released on OTT. Read more Priyanka Chopra's Instagram account is full of love for her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. Precious moments of the toddler are often posted on social media, giving Priyanka a glimpse into her journey as a mother. On Tuesday, she arrived in Australia with her daughter Malti and shared a preview of her travel diary.
From a selfie video with Marie in the lounge to a video capturing the plane landing, Priyanka's landing in Australia was the perfect travel video. The video also gives a glimpse of Malti playing with a tub, while another clip shows the toddler chilling on the plane. Priyanka also shared a picture of her passport in the video. “Landing… The Bluff. With my best travel partner,” Priyanka captioned the video.
In March this year, Priyanka announced her next film, The Bluff, in which she will star opposite Karl Urban. Priyanka will produce the project alongside AGBO's Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Angela Russo-Ottstott and Michael Disco, and Cicely Saldana and Mariel Saldana for Cinestar Pictures. The Bluff sees Priyanka play the role of a former female pirate and will be released directly on OTT.
Apart from this, Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently wrapped up the shooting of another Hollywood film, “Heads of State”, in which she stars alongside Idris Elba and John Cena. In Bollywood, Priyanka was set to do “Jee Le Zaara” with Farhan Akhtar and co-starring Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif, but the film is yet to be shot and the makers have not provided any further updates.
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