Like many people, turning 20 came as a shock to me. My teenage years flew by and suddenly I was a full-fledged adult.
Even with the rollercoaster mood swings, my teenage years gave me experiences I wouldn't trade for the world.
I had heard people talk about the trials of their 20s, but in my head, I never imagined I would be in their shoes so soon. I've only been 20 for a few months, but I feel like I've grown years through the lessons I've learned.
One of the main aspects I noticed after turning 20 is how relationships change. Throughout my life, I have formed groups of friends through school, extracurricular activities, or family. I've always had at least a few trusted friends who share common interests.
Nevertheless, these friends were usually not the same from year to year. New friends replaced old ones as smoothly as if they were moving to a different grade or sport.
Since turning 20, I feel like the relationships in my life have always been intentional. Gone are the days when relationships were determined by proximity. There's no pressure to maintain a relationship with someone you don't like because you're afraid of running into them in the hallway. Now I can find the people of interest I'm looking for, and I can choose to keep them in my life.
Therefore, every relationship I've had since I turned 20 has built me ​​up. The people in my life are unique and they support me more or less.
Moreover, I realized that every time I turned 20, I was one step closer to becoming like my mother. The other day, my hands danced as I shared a life lesson with my girlfriend's brother. In the middle of the conversation, he started laughing and said that I had the exact same habits as his mother.
My mother always warned me that I would become a carbon copy of her and that one day I would do the same. I didn't believe her until recently. When I turned 20, I suddenly started giving my siblings motherly advice, telling jokes, and seeing the world through my girlfriend's mother's eyes.
As much as it pains me to admit it, she may be more right than I thought. She must confess that she knows a thing or two. Luckily, my mom is someone who is very proud of me for becoming this person.
The awkward years of adolescence aren't fun, but unfortunately I finally learned that things don't get much better in your 20s.
It's as if he reached a second stage of maturity when he turned 20. Unexpectedly, her jeans no longer fit, a new pimple appears on her forehead, and her mood swings return. Just when I thought the coast was clear from the wars of my adolescence, I was proven wrong.
Nevertheless, this maturation in my twenties has turned my overall confidence around. While these physical changes were occurring, I felt more secure inside than ever before. If I had told her teenage self that he has taken on two leadership roles since he turned 20, I would not have died. The awkward, shy teenager in me disappeared as the voice of guidance for my peers grew louder.
Many of these changes started when I was a teenager, but they blossomed after I turned 20. After 10 years of a new boyfriend, a new me was born, ready to become an adult.
It seems like your 20s really are a pivotal time in your life. I never thought I would be able to maintain such a strong group of friends or be able to speak up so confidently, but I was surprised at the age of 20.
Kennedy Lawrence is a sophomore double major in Journalism and ADPR. Contact