He stressed the need to utilize appropriate communication strategies to reach the youth audience.
During the ongoing 77th World Health Assembly, India hosted a side event on Women's, Child and Adolescent Health in partnership with Norway, UNICEF, UNFPA and Partnership for Maternal and Child Health (PMNCH). The event aimed to share new evidence and findings and foster dialogue on the crucial opportunity to invest in maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and wellbeing. It sought to advocate for continued and scaled-up investments, prioritizing the needs of different population groups, and to encourage policy coordination and impact across diverse stakeholders and sectors.
The focus of the event was on adolescent health and various speakers spoke about various aspects of adolescent health, including the need for more investment in the issue. Head of Indian Mission and Union Health Secretary Apurva Chandra highlighted the progress made on the subject and initiatives taken in this regard.
He outlined India's efforts in implementing positive actions for the health and wellbeing of women, children and adolescents. He highlighted India's Reproductive and Child Health (RCH)-I, RCH-II initiatives and the Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram which emphasised on adolescent health. The rollout of TeleManas was also mentioned as an important initiative undertaken by India.
India also stressed the need to utilize appropriate communication strategies to reach out to the youth audience group. The involvement of youth group representatives as key stakeholders in the planning and implementation of any programme was also discussed.
The ceremony was attended by Union Health Ministry Additional Secretary Hekari Zhimomi, Union Health Ministry Additional Secretary and Managing Director (NHM) Aradhana Patnaik and other senior officials of the Union Health Ministry.
This news release was originally issued by the Press Information Bureau, Government of India.