Royal commentators said the new legal measures meant Prince Harry had “expressed his desire to spend more time in the UK”. Prince Harry has reportedly been given leave to appeal in a case over his safety when returning to the UK.
Prince Harry's new legal action shows he wants to “spend more time in the UK” (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File) (AP) {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}}
The Duke of Sussex took legal action against the Home Office after it decided he should have different levels of taxpayer-funded protection while in the UK in 2020. But in February this year, High Court Judge Peter Lane dismissed his appeal.
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However, Harry can now challenge Sir Peter's dismissal in the Court of Appeal.
“That would indicate he wants to spend more time in England.”
Royal commentator Gareth Russell said Prince Harry's appeal showed he wanted to return to the UK. “The appeal is interesting given how costly it will be for Prince Harry,” he said.
“But it does seem to be something that is very important to him. Whether this is about proving himself right or vindicated to people he sees as his enemies, or whether it's a decision that he feels was unfair when he stepped back from his role as a senior royal official, is unclear,” Russell continued.
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“Certainly, it would be an indication that he would like to spend more time in the UK, but that depends on the securities,” he added. “I think the revival of this legal process is an indication that he would like to spend more time in the UK than he currently does. It's a very costly process for him.”
Members of the royal family are subject to protective security measures provided by the Royal and Public Personnel Protection Commission (Labèque). Following the ruling earlier this year, Harry's lawyer said: “The Duke is not seeking preferential treatment, but rather that the Labèque rules be applied fairly and lawfully and that he or she be given the same consideration as everyone else in accordance with Labèque's written policies.”
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“In February 2020, Labèque did not apply its firm's written policy to the Duke of Sussex and excluded him from a specific risk analysis,” the spokesperson added. “The Duke's case is that the so-called 'bespoke process' applied to him is no substitute for that risk analysis. The Duke of Sussex looks forward to obtaining justice at the Court of Appeal and will refrain from further comment whilst the litigation is ongoing.”
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