Wally will soon graduate from Point Loma Nazarene University with a bachelor's degree in communications and lives in Point Loma.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, the popularity of remote work spread like a pandemic in itself. According to the study, in 2024, 41 percent of U.S. workers with a bachelor's degree will be working in a hybrid model, and 34 percent will be working completely remotely. The ability to work from anywhere is attractive to a certain type of prospective employee: new graduates.
Already criticized for being social avoidants and screen addicts, we see remote work as an opportunity to avoid social interaction and hold on to another aspect of our lives through a screen, so older generations (perhaps even less likely to be employed) You are in danger of further ridicule from the Lord. While these may be legitimate concerns, the reality is that we are some of the last remaining group of people who didn't grow up glued to our tablets, and our interest in remote work is tied to the world around us. I would argue that it's about being able to interact more with people.
With the rise of micro-influencers and endless opportunities to monetize digital content, this is the main reason people are drawn to remote work. You don't have to be a tech genius to recognize the opportunity to earn a base salary and gain once-in-a-lifetime experience in a remote job.
The freedom of autonomy and independence is celebrated by many who go on to earn a prestigious degree and enter the workforce. The seeming “magic” of remote work is that you can work on your own whenever you want, as long as you meet deadlines. Because we are among the first to experience school through online and hybrid formats, or “e-learning,” many of us feel ready to do so.
With this perspective, students entering the workforce will be faced with the difficult task of expressing themselves in a way that demonstrates their level of responsibility and ability to be exemplary employees, even when working remotely. In addition to the obviously necessary technical and communication skills, to be successful in remote work, you will need to demonstrate a strong work ethic and the ability to collaborate within a team. We can do this by demonstrating how well we can adapt to the changes brought on by COVID-19. We are experiencing a completely online education and have to master various technology platforms and the presentation of once traditional media. This distance learning experience complements traditional education with new skill development that may not have existed in previous generations, increasing our value as effective remote workers.
Rather than sitting in a boring office space from a typical 9-5, hybrid remote work allows you to stay productive and have flexible hours. Research shows that working in a traditional office environment is as productive as many employers expect. Rather surprisingly, 40% of employees report working longer hours from home, indicating that their work hours are extended by approximately 48.5 minutes each day. This is due to blocking out distractions and cold talk, and increasing motivation from a less stressful environment. How valuable almost an hour of additional work will be, especially for a new employee who has goals to achieve and a desire to prove himself!
For employers, the flexibility of remote work is a strong bargaining point for lower wages. When we talk to graduates and future employees, many say they are willing to negotiate lower salaries if it means more flexibility and autonomy. This is a risky position, as employers can blatantly take advantage of remote workers, but that threat is greatly reduced when you consider the value of employee happiness and quality work. Approximately 75% of remote and hybrid employees report that they have a better work-life balance and are 50% more satisfied with their jobs than employees who work full-time in an office. . These satisfied and motivated employee values serve as a means of protecting remote her workers from exploitation.
There are few signs that remote or hybrid work models will be phased out. Both employers and new employees considering going remote by demonstrating our abilities as effective remote workers and the benefits of increased productivity along with increased job satisfaction and balance. The future looks bright for us.