The jet-setting lives of celebrities often involve filming movies in exotic locations and touring the world to promote movies and albums, but where do they like to travel in their free time? MiNDFOOD speaks to stars about their favorite travel experiences and places, and we might even share some surprises.
Hugh Grant
I love traveling. I'm actually happier when I'm not at home. I don't know why, but I feel claustrophobic and cramped when I'm at home, and I'm a lot happier when I'm traveling. But it's not like, “Oh, I gotta climb the Andes!” If I get the chance to travel, I just take it. For example, I go abroad a lot to play golf. I think all British people do that. I'm happier when I'm out of the UK.
Colin Farrell
I also love driving across the US, I love the desert, and I especially love going to Joshua Tree, so I go there whenever I can.
Natalie Portman
I love to travel. I recently had a great trip to Japan. It was a great trip to Japan. But I also love camping, and when I stay in a hotel, I try to make it feel like a local place. I don't stay in places where I don't know what country I'm in because it's the same as in LA.
Kerry Washington
After college, I lived in India for about eight months and it was really fun, so it's probably one of my favorite places. India is a place that is very rooted in spirituality. Growing up in the Bronx, I lived in a neighborhood where there was a liquor store on every corner. In India, there's a temple on every corner. There's a sense that you can't do anything without putting God first. I really loved living in that environment.
Robin Wright
I love them all, especially Port Douglas, but I also love Sydney and Shields Rock.
Robert Pattinson
I love Paris for many reasons. Firstly, I don't get bothered much there. There are paparazzi, but in general people don't bother me that much. I also love New Orleans for the music and food. It's a great city.
Liam Hemsworth
I love Indonesia. It's a nice place to surf there and go on boat trips. I also love New York. New York is one of my favorite cities in the world. I think I just love extremes. It's really fun to go to New York for a few days and eat pizza. New York has a really cool energy. It's a really fun city.
Mila Kunis
I love going to places I would never normally go to, meeting people I would never normally meet, and talking to all kinds of people. It's great. I love London, I love Japan, I love Argentina. I've been really lucky with all the places I've been to. I've loved them all.
Isla Fisher
I love any place where I have to learn a new language, Brazil comes to mind.
Emma Watson
I love going to places I've never been before.
Vanessa Paradis
Any warm beach is fine, but it has to have warm, beautiful water.
Celine Dion
Home is probably an overstatement, but it's true that every time I get time off and go home, it's the best vacation ever. I don't want to say too much because I can't help but feel lonely when I go home. I don't want to give away all my secrets, but I love the Bahamas, and the Exumas are beautiful, especially.
Mariah Carey
That's easy: Capri.
The blue sea of ​​Capri
Kim Kardashian
I recently went to Monaco and had the best time with my mom. We went to a party with the Prince. It was amazing.
Jeff Bridges
My wife likes to travel more than I do. I travel a lot for work, so I don't like to leave home too much. We live in a beautiful place in Santa Barbara, and we also have a place in Montana that we like to go to when we have time.
Bradley Cooper
I love New Zealand, but I have to say that aesthetically, Afghanistan is a beautiful country. It's so strange, but it's so beautiful, the landscape is just phenomenal. That part of the world is amazing.
Alexander Skarsgård
My favorite thing is to go to new places, new cultures, things I've never seen before. I love it. I love exploring something new. Maybe it's because I still have that Viking blood in me.
Kelly Clarkson
Hayman Island, wow! I love the Australian islands. Everyone was warning me about the danger of jellyfish, but I didn't care. I actually went to Saint-Tropez on the French Riviera. I happened to go with a couple of friends, and there were jellyfish everywhere, and no one wanted to go in the water. I was like, “Why would I come to this beach if I can't go in the water?” But it was so beautiful. Another thing I love about the Australian islands is that the women look normal, and they're naked. It was so cool. I'm from Texas, and we don't see people walking around dressed like that.
Zoe Saldana
I am a local traveler. I am quick to get away from Nikes and fanny packs. I like to interact with locals as soon as I arrive somewhere. Because of my job, I have the privilege of living in a place long enough to feel like I am getting more out of the place and culture, and I get to befriend locals. I like to go wherever they go, and love all the good and bad things about it. I don't just like 5 star hotels, I like the Holiday Inn around the corner. I'm told it's the best value and close to the great surroundings the locals enjoy. If I had to choose a city, it would be Paris.