The Yonsei 31 team is gearing up for this summer's Japan Goodwill Tour, with 24 players and four coaches heading to Shimane Prefecture next month. Back row, from left: coaches Darin Nakauchi and Kevin Kiyomura, Dylan Pedd, Mia Kobata, Charlie Spohrer, Mathea Miyake-Trapp, Derek Osako, Tori Yoshida, Cole Schmidt, Mio Emi, coaches Brianne Yasukochi and Camryn Hamaguchi. Middle row: Kayla Tanijiri, Justin Mukai, Emi Hitomi, Caleb Shimazaki, Kori Matsumoto, Nathan Kasuyama, Lisa Suzuki, Kai Yabumoto. Front row: Drew Nakasuji, Megan Wada, Robert Arnold, Tyree Yee, Jarrett Nguyen, Quinn Diamonge, Raiden Shiozaki, Leah Matsubayashi.
The Yonsei University Basketball Association will continue its tradition of cultural exchange by selecting a new group of 12 men and 12 women to travel to Japan this summer.
Now in its 31st year, Yonsei University offers eighth-graders the opportunity to experience Japanese culture through basketball, community service, homestay experiences, leadership and interpersonal skills development, and team camaraderie.
This experience also allows young people who have grown up playing against each other through SEYO, JAO, CBO or CYC to become teammates and form lifelong friendships.
This year, the Yonsei University 31 team will tour Japan in July. The players will experience homestays in Shimane Prefecture and visit Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima with their accompanying families.
The Yonsei 31 women's team coaches are Brianne Yasukouchi and Camryn Hamaguchi. The Yonsei 31 men's team coaches are Kevin Kiyomura and Darin Nakauchi.
The athletes selected for the girls team are Quinn Dimonji, Mio Emi, Emi Hitomi, Mia Kobata, Leah Matsubayashi, Kori Matsumoto, Matea Miyake Trapp, Lisa Suzuki, Kayla Tanijiri, Megan Wada, Tylee Yee and Tori Yoshida.
The boys selected are: Robert Arnold, Nathan Kasuyama, Justin Mukai, Drew Nakasuji, Jarrett Nguyen, Derek Osako, Dylan Pedd, Cole Schmidt, Caleb Shimazaki, Raiden Shiozaki, Charlie Sporler and Kai Yabumoto.
In preparation for the trip, the players are taking part in monthly basketball practices and Japanese culture lessons, and they and their families are raising funds by selling raffle tickets and Japangeles-designed T-shirts for the 31st year students of Yonsei University.
The program's largest fundraising event, the Yonsei Golf Tournament, will be held at Candlewood Country Club on Monday, June 24. The team is asking for the support of local residents through silent auction and raffle prizes, or donations to help the golfers participate in the tournament.
An exhibition game between Yonsei University 31 teams and Yonsei University 30 teams will be held on Sunday, July 14. If you have any questions or are interested in supporting the program, please email or visit